Day 2338: Growing Pains and Dying Friendships

Even when friendships die of natural causes it’s still painful – that’s what I learned yesterday.


It’s 9:  30 AM on day 2338 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read  1 John 4:12, have breakfast and learn a new word – Definitions for paralogize draw conclusions that do not follow logically from a given set of assumptions.


Recently I realized that some friendships just die a natural death not because of anything people did or didn’t do but simply because people grow apart most of my childhood friends are now married they have husbands they need to hang out with, in-laws to visit, meals to make and mortgages to pay and then we have me 25, constantly volunteering, occasionally adventuring and still living with my parents so naturally me and my friends from years past have less in common which doesn’t make the death of friendships any less painful it just makes it understandable I never thought growing would be so painful.

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