Day 2336: Start big and adjust (if needed)

Start big and adjust if not able to do task– that’s my way of doing things.


It’s 11: 17 AM on day 2336 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read  Matthew 11:28, have breakfast and learn a new word – Recidivate; Recidivism [re·cid·i·vate] intr. v. To return to a previous pattern of behavior. Relapse: go back to bad or criminal behavior. “The convictions for those over sixty are unlikely to recidivate.”


Recently I decided that I wanted to try painting many people have told me to start on paper with watercolours but I want to try on canvas with acrylic paints if it doesn’t work out I’ll downgrade to paper and move up to canvas again when I’m ready (no use starting small if I’m capable of doing big things without starting small).

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