Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love. – Lao Tzu
It’s 12 : 10 PM on day 1981 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read 1 Timothy 6, learn one new thing – When you cut an onion, it releases a gas called, ready for this, Propanethiol S-oxide. When mixed with certain enzymes in the onion, it creates a sulfur gas. These gases then get to your eyes and create a mild acid which irritates the eyes. – watch Morning Live – yup you guessed it my hero without a cape Catherine Constantinides was on the show talking about her win at the Ubuntu Awards and her work with the #SaharawiPeople (my family often jokes that I only switch on the TV when Catherine’s on and I can’t even deny it because it’s the truth at this point i’m not even ashamed of it anybody who’s not a fan of Catherine’s has some serious problems LOL 🙂 I sincerely aspire to her humility and character) – have breakfast, and work on my 25 Smiles Campaign – yesterday Catherine Cook donated $25 (thanks SO MUCH Catherine your ongoing support means a lot ) which brings the total raised to $2 662 only $3 588 more to raise by 10 Jan 2017 (SO SO SO GRATEFUL to everyone who has supported this campaign so far
Recently I took part in #RAK16 started by Brent Lindeque – the concept of RAK is simple: Do a good deed, post it on social media and nominate your friends to do good deeds too using #RAK16 at the end of your social media postings – my family (asked by me) handed out apples to the car guard and the lady who sells toothpicks outside our local frozen foods store. I nominate all you reading this to go out there and do random acts of kindness.
Video about #RAK16