Day 1952: 21 Icons season 3 episode 17: Caster Semenya

“You can’t wait for someone to push you – you have to know your game. I think that’s what made me survive.” – Caster Semenya


It’s 12 : 43 PM on day 1952 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Galatians 5, learn one new thing –Daphnia are an extremely important part of aquatic food chains. They eat primary producers such as algae, yeast, and bacteria. Daphnia are the prey of tadpoles, salamanders, newts, aquatic insects, and many types of small fish.– have breakfast, spend time outside – it’s such a beautiful day I thought it would be a shame to waste it  🙂 – and work on my  25 Smiles Campaign – $1 080 raised so far (SO GRATEFUL to everyone who has helped out and continues to help out. Thanks SO MUCH everyone I’m truly humbled by your support thank you for backing this girl who has a desire to make a difference, a laptop and pretty good Wi-Fi 🙂 ).


Last night I watched season 3 episode 17 of 21 Icons featuring athlete Caster Semenya I so admire Caster’s focus and determination.   Watch “21 Icons: Caster Semenya: Short Film” below:

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