Day 1899: Discovering the purest versions of ourselves

When we look for the best in others we find it in ourselves  – that’s what I realized today.


It’s  12 :  16  PM on day 1809 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, pray,  read Romans 16, publish my Disability of the Day feature, learn one new thing –There are around 10,000 varieties of tomatoes worldwide! – have breakfast, listen to music and do some work.


Today I realized when we look for the best in others we find it in ourselves every time I look for the best in others and want the best for others it’s like I transform into the purest version of myself it’s something that’s hard to explain in words but something that I wish for every human being.

2 thoughts on “Day 1899: Discovering the purest versions of ourselves

  1. Stan Faryna

    Look for the best in others and encourage it! Don’t get blindsided, hijacked or undone by their worst.

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