Day 1865: Telephone Conversations, Fears and Me

If you’re going to play the what-if game play it till the end – that’s my message to the world.


It’s  1 :  40  PM on day 1865 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, pray,  read Acts 10, publish my Disability of the Day feature, learn one new thing –Incendiary [in·cen·di·ar·y] adj. Designed to cause fires. “An incendiary device.”- have breakfast, continue working on my new local project – i spent hours  on the phone trying to order Christmas gifts the people talking to me couldn’t understand most of what i was  trying to say (many thanks to my frenemy Cerebral Palsy) but they were so patient with me I’ve set up a meeting at the store tomorrow hopefully they will understand me better in person – make sandwiches for the kids in our sisi’s (housekeeper’s) neighborhood with sisi’s  help as part of  Virginia’s Sandwich Run (thank you sisi for all your help today).



Today I conquered my fear of initiating a phone conversation with strangers (because I have Cerebral Palsy my speech is more often than not unclear especially when I’m nervous like when I have phone conversations with strangers) it’s true that one of my my worst fears came to life when I realized that the people on the other end of the line didn’t understand most of what I was saying but hey I tried my best and I’m still alive despite one of my worst fears coming to life.

4 thoughts on “Day 1865: Telephone Conversations, Fears and Me

  1. Nisha Varghese Post author

    Thank you and same yo you. You rock Stan I aspire to the amount of faith you have.

  2. ruthbbern

    Well done to you. What I can relate is going to my neighbour who was over 6 feet tall and an alcoholic. Needing to confront him as he was harassing my daughters. My heart was beating 50million to the dozen and I gathered enough courage to knock on his door. My relief when his wife said he was not in!! But … I guess I did it.

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