Day 1834: Extraordinary Lives and Extraordinary Sacrifices

Extraordinary lives require extraordinary sacrifices – that’s what I realized yesterday.


It’s 12 : 00  PM on day 1834  of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to pray, read Luke 24,    publish my Disability of the Day feature,  learn one new thing –They mate at any time of the year. The male rhino has a breeding ritual to attract a female. He will brush his horn over the ground, charge at bushes, rushes back and forth and frequently sprays urine. The females are known to reject the males aggressively at first until she succumbs (note: today is World Rhino Day let’s take a moment to appreciate these majestic creatures) –  promote my Educate Generations campaign – $5 025 raised so far with 11 days still to go till the end of the campaign (thanks SO MUCH everyone :) ) – and watch the Google Hangout titled “Finding joy in your job” – it was great.


Yesterday I realized that extraordinary lives require extraordinary sacrifices when you choose to blaze the trail know that people will ignore you, leave you and laugh at you do it anyway because all of us were born to put something into the world that wasn’t there before.

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