Day 1690: Ignorance, Bliss and the Progression of a Girl’s Life

Ignorance would be bliss sometimes – that’s what I’ve recently realized.


It’s 12 : 34 PM on day 1690 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, pray,  read Daniel 1, publish my Disability of the Day feature, learn one new thing – Weight [of wildebeasts]:330 to 550 lbs (150 to 250 kg ) –  feed myself an egg sandwich and a banana  for breakfast  and  promote my Educate Generations campaign– $2 774 raised so far SO GRATEFUL (a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who has supported this campaign so far you are helping to get girls in school and keep them there thereby breaking the cycle of poverty and creating a generational change).


Recently I’ve noticed that everybody I know in my age range is either getting married or wants to get married it’s a bitter-sweet thing it’s sweet because I’m sincerely happy that they are progressing in their lives and it’s bitter because I know my life is not following the same path as theirs sometimes I wish I was oblivious to how a girl’s life is supposed to progress it would make life so much less painful but alas I’m not oblivious some nights I lay awake and despite my best efforts to envision a different future for myself I see myself being a third wheel in my family members lives which is basically my worst nightmare come to life.

2 thoughts on “Day 1690: Ignorance, Bliss and the Progression of a Girl’s Life

  1. Stan Faryna

    Life is not neat and tidy. Even for those who believe it to be – it is more likely than not that such as those are blind, deaf and dumb on an emotional, intellectual and/or spiritual level. Of course, I do not want to diminish someone’s good joy and I pray now for the Lord to bless such as these that they might overflow with a good joy so that others might drink from it too.

    The patterns, furrows and ambitions of life which men and women will teach, imitate, cherish and celebrate rarely begin to even taste of the wisdom and promise of the Lord – especially His wisdom and promise regarding life.

    Do not be disheartened, my friend. Do not be afraid. Do not be ashamed.

    My own life has been an adventure. Came the ups and downs, gloating pride and profound sorrows, the foolishness and wisdom (which I have failed to understand and live). And there is more to come. [laughing]

    I look at friends even younger than myself and I know they have those snug as a bug moments – surrounded by family, children, and, perhaps, friends and colleagues that they have known and seen, day by day, for decades or more. There is goodness and sweetness in those things – I do believe it.

    And I lack for those things.

    But I am also profoundly grateful for my life, for paths less traveled by, for views that were more splendid and horrible than most will see, for the adventures of heart, mind and spirit that few will know as I knew them, for a wonderful God who has plotted a course that was meant just for me…

    And your course He has plotted just for you – to fill you with all good things that even you do not know you need or want – but without them, you would appear even to yourself as if dimly in a mirror.

    I thank God for you, Nisha.

  2. Nisha Varghese Post author

    Thank you, Stan. I, too, am grateful for my life it’s just that sometimes I want to be like everybody else my age it’s only human I suppose 🙂

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