Day 1625: Fifteen Minute Whining Rule

“Life isn’t fair. It’s true, and you still have to deal with it. Whining about it rarely levels the playing field, but learning to rise above it is the ultimate reward.” – Harvey Mackay


It’s  12 : 15 PM on day 1625 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to   brush my teeth, pray,    read Jeremiah 42,  publish my Disability of the Day feature, learn one new thing –  Babies have more bones in their bodies than adults. As the babies grow older, some bones eventually fuse together (like in the skull), resulting in fewer bones as an adult. – stretched my hamstrings,  feed myself egg with bread for breakfast, have a foot bath -the cut on my foot seems to have healed but it still hurts I wonder why – and promote my Educate Generations campaign –  yesterday Meg Guegan  donated $55, Emma Lambert donated $10 and  Sylvia Phillips donated $20  (thank you SO MUCH  Meg, Emma and Sylvia the support from all of you means the world to me 🙂 )    – which brings my total raised to $2 030 only $470 more to raise to reach goal I am SO GRATEFUL and humbled.


Today I realized that on my bad days I waste a lot of time whining and crying so I came up with the Fifteen Minute Whining Rule from now onwards whenever I’m having a bad day I’ll give myself fifteen minutes to whine, cry and be grumpy after which I will promptly move on I don’t know whether this Fifteen Minute Whining Rule is going to work but I’m going to give it a shot because life’s too short to whine and cry for a long time.

4 thoughts on “Day 1625: Fifteen Minute Whining Rule

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