Day 1591: Is the world better because of you or in spite of you?

I want the world to be better because of me not in spite of me   – that’s what I  realized today.


It’s 12 : 07 PM on day 1591 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth,  pray,  read Jeremiah 8, publish my Disability of the Day feature,  learn one new thing – The world’s first automobile accident occurred in 1771, when Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot’s steam-powered, self-propelled ‘steam dray’ lost control and ran into a wall. The damaged vehicle is preserved in the Conservative Nationale des Arts et Meteirs in Paris –  promote my Educate Generations campaign– still on $1 410 but I’m grateful being on $1 410 is much better than being on $0 🙂 – stretch my hamstrings, feed myself French toast for breakfast, continue promoting the campaign -Diane Liggett made two donations totaling $20 (thanks SO MUCH Diane your support means the world to me 🙂 ) which brings my total raised to $1 430 only $1 070 more to raise to reach goal – and spend time outside – you may think I’m nuts but on particularly beautiful days like this one I go out and sit outside for a few minutes just looking at the trees and the sky I try to enjoy the little things because I know that the little things are the big things in disguise 🙂 .


Today I thought I want the world to be better because of me not in spite of me I know that the world will be a better place whether I do what I do or not because there are good people out there acting with good intentions but I want to be part of that group of people I truly want the world to be better because of me not in spite of me.  Is the world better because of you or in spite of you?

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