Day 1470: The Real Homeless Man Experiment

We say it’s what’s on the inside that counts but that’s not true – that’s what I realized yesterday.


It’s 12 : 12 PM on day 1470 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to pray, brush my teeth, read Proverbs 8, publish my Disability of the Day feature, stretch my hamstrings, practice sitting up straight to strengthen my core muscles, feed myself egg with bread and a banana  for breakfast, listen to music and work on my upcoming campaign – I’m trying to come up with an original fundraising idea for the campaign obviously I can’t do anything that involves standing, walking or running LOL which leaves me with limited options I thought about shaving my head but I am too attached to my hair and besides my parents would go ballistic even if it is for a good cause.


Yesterday I watched “The Real Homeless Man Experiment” in the first half of the video the homeless man asks people for money looking like a business man and in the second half of the video the homeless man asks people for money looking like a homeless man it saddened me to see that people helped out the homeless man who looked like a business man and ignored the homeless man who looked like a homeless man. Watch “The Real Homeless Man Experiment” below:

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