Day 1396: Do you treat everybody as your equal even if you are more fortunate than some?

Half the world’s problems would be solved if we treated everybody as our equals – that’s what I realized this morning.



It’s 1 : 00 PM on day 1396 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to pray, read Psalm 83,  publish my Disability of the Day feature,  brush my teeth, promote my Eradicate AIDS campaign –  still on 108% with 8 days to go – stretch my hamstrings,  practice sitting up straight to strengthen my core muscles,   feed myself a peanut butter sandwich for breakfast and watch TV.


This morning somebody said something that was really offensive to my sensibilities I think the reason some people give themselves permission to discriminate against other people is because they see themselves as better than the people they are discriminating against which is ridiculous because underneath the labels that society puts on people we are all the same. Do you treat everybody as your equal even if you are more fortunate than some?

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