Day 1206: 2014 To-Do List

“Know what you want, work to get it, then value it once you have it.” ― Nora Roberts, Morrigan’s Cross


It’s  3 : 18 PM on day 1206 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, read 2 Chronicles 9, pray, publish my Disability of the Day feature, feed myself Batura and mutton curry for breakfast and hang out with my family.


Yesterday evening I came up with a list of things I want to do this year. Take a look:


2014 To-Do List


  1. Improve my health (according to some people I’m grossly underweight I’m starting to think they’re right)
  2. Be more respectful of and honest with everybody
  3.  Self-publish my book Life: My thoughts on everything from faith to beauty
  4. Support myself financially through this blog
  5. Raise money for the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS
  6. Raise money to send a few kids to school
  7. Continue to make sandwiches for our housekeeper’s neighbourhood as part of  Virginia’s Sandwich Run
  8. Learn to fully undress and redress myself
  9. Learn to help myself in the bathroom properly
  10. Continue trying to finish reading The Bible
  11. Read 52 good books
  12. Be open to new sights, sounds, tastes and experiences


2 thoughts on “Day 1206: 2014 To-Do List

  1. Wayne Mansfield

    WOW what a great list…. sometimes I see my challenges as difficult then I see what you have achieved and what you are trying to do and I think… just get on with it Wayne.

    I am sure you will make 2014 A BLAST Niisha…

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