Day 1076: Take care of yourself

You have to take care of yourself first before you can take care of anybody else – that’s what I keep learning

It’s 2  : 42 PM on day 1076 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to pray, brush my teeth,  feed myself boiled egg and Bran Flakes  for breakfast,    publish my Disability of the Day feature, go visit my granny in hospital – she’s doing so much better eating well and siting by herself I’m so happy 🙂 – and tweet and Facebook about my campaign –  no one donated today but Anonymous  donated $50 yesterday (thanks again Anonymous) now I only need to raise $110  in the next 52 days to reach goal :)

Last night I realized if I wanted to make a difference for the rest of my life I had to take care of myself so I shut down the laptop and got a good night’s sleep usually I stay up late promoting my campaign and doing other stuff from today onwards I’m going sleep well, eat well and exercise when I can because if I’m not the best of myself I can’t give the best of myself to the world. Do you put everybody else first and yourself last?

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