Day 1073: Tactless people

People can be so tactless – that’s what I keep learning 🙁


It’s 12  :  56 PM on day 1073 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to pray, brush my teeth, feed myself Bran Flakes and a peanut butter sandwich for breakfast, read 1 Samuel 7,   publish my Disability of the Day feature,  tweet and Facebook about my campaign – nobody donated so far today but I’m not giving up I’m only $160 away from goal – and practice sitting up straight to strengthen my core muscles – my right leg is still not a 100% healed so don’t want to exercise my legs so I decided to make the best of the situation and work on my sitting 🙂


Two days ago a couple came to visit us the aunty was talking to my mother she said you work so hard you work at school and you work at home I always think of you you’’re situation (that’s what some people refer to me as, a situation) is so difficult you don’t get to take part in social activities I was shocked and a little hurt that someone would come to my house and say these things about me within earshot of me.

2 thoughts on “Day 1073: Tactless people

  1. Ellen S.

    Your aunty is a different generation…. Older people have these very old-fashioned views. I know that doesn’t make it less hurtful, but keep it in mind.

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