Day 1064: Why some give and others don’t?

Those who believe they have much are more likely to give than those who believe they have little – that’s what I keep learning.

It’s 12  : 00 PM on day 1064 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to pray, read Ruth 2,   publish my Disability of the Day feature,  feed myself boiled egg and Bran Flakes  for breakfast and   tweet and Facebook about my campaign – no luck so far but I’ll keep trying I only need to raise $230 more to reach my goal 🙂

This morning thinking about the difference between those who give and those who don’t I realized those who believe they have much are more likely to give than those who believe they have little it even makes common sense if you believe you have little you will hold onto everything you have for dear life on the other hand if you believe you have much you will think to yourself I have so much why shouldn’t someone else have as much or more than me. Do you believe you have much or do you believe you have little?

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