Day 1059: Amanda Palmer: The art of asking

“I maintain couchsurfing and crowdsurfing are basically the same thing — you’re falling into the audience and you’re trusting each other.” — Amanda Palmer

It’s 12  : 24 PM on day 1059 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth,   pray, read Judges 18,   publish my Disability of the Day feature, feed myself  All Bran Flakes for breakfast,   tweet and Facebook about my campaign – today was the most disheartening day of the campaign I asked someone to make a donation and she basically said she didn’t want to because she didn’t know any slaves I don’t know any slaves either doesn’t mean I don’t care about what happens to them – chat to friends about possible business opportunities and stretch my hamstrings.

A few days ago I watched Amanda Palmer: The art of asking – a ted talk by musician Amanda Palmer about giving and receiving and the trust between the giver and the receiver – I could relate to what Amanda was saying you can’t make people help you all you can do is ask people to help and trust that they will. Watch Amanda Palmer: The art of asking below:

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