Day 1057: Knowing there’s nothing wrong with you

Know that there’s nothing wrong with no matter what anybody else says– that’s what I keep learning.

It’s 12  : 27 PM on day 1057 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to   pray, read Judges 16,   publish my Disability of the Day feature,  brush my teeth,  take off my jacket and t–shirt and put a clean t-shirt on,   feed myself  All Bran Flakes for breakfast,        tweet about my campaign –  no one made a donation so far today –   practice sitting up straight to strengthen my core muscles and go to the doctor – a wound on my toe become infected and now I’m on two antibiotics and my foot is bandages up *joy*.

Yesterday afternoon my dad was talking to someone and he said I have three children [my first daughter] is not well my parents are loving and devoted but I could find a cure for AIDS and they would still refer to me as their eldest daughter who is not well it hurts but I know there’s nothing wrong with me and I understand that my parents only see me this way because they grew up in India where “disabled” people are seen as broken people with nothing to contribute to the world. Do you know that there’s nothing wrong with you regardless of what anybody else says?

2 thoughts on “Day 1057: Knowing there’s nothing wrong with you

  1. Miz Kp

    Hello. I found you on Love That Max. Thank you for sharing your story. I grew up in Africa and later the Caribbean and they have a similar mentality toward people with disabilities. My son has autism. Yes his brain is wired differently but I do not refer to him as someone who is not well. I hope that one day your parents will see you for who you are. I am sorry that what they say hurts. It is good that you are writing. It can be therapeutic, I have found.

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