Day 999: Throwing out our concepts of normal and abnormal

Our perception of normal is getting in the way of us treating each other with equality– that’s what I keep learning

It’s  6  : 12 PM on day 999 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to pray, brush my teeth,  read Deuteronomy 16,   publish my Disability of the Day feature,  tweet, Facebook and email about my campaign – Annonymus and Steve Opperman donated $10 and $20 respectively yesterday (thanks guys) which brings me $30 closer to my goal – feed myself All Bran Flakes for breakfast, go visit people, feed myself a chicken sandwich for lunch and practice typing with both hands.

A couple of days ago I was watching Planet Earth and I wondered why snakes weren’t referred to as disabled although they were blind in the moment it dawned on me that people don’t refer to snakes as disabled because a snake being blind is “normal” if we threw out our concepts of normal and abnormal and realized that everybody is their own version of normal discrimination would be a thing of the past.  Is you perception of normal getting in the way of you treating other people with equality?

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