Day 811

God works in mysterious ways– that’s what I keep learning 🙂

It’s  4  : 09 PM on day 811 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, feed myself a chicken and salad dressing sandwich for breakfast, publish my Disability of the Day feature,  publish my Kid of the Week feature, practice typing with both hands, make sandwiches as part of Virginia’s Sandwich Run, feed myself rice and curry for lunch, stretch my hamstrings,   practice sitting up straight to strengthen my core muscles,  and listen to music – I LOVE the song Believe by Justin Bieber every time I hear the lyrics everything starts from something, something would be nothing, nothing if your heart didn’t dream I think of someone close to me who said first fix the problems in your backyard before you change the world when he was asked to make a donation to help me build a well I shrugged off what he said and carried on doing what I was doing and because of that 550  people in Kenya now have water I will ALWAYS ALWAYS be proud of myself for not quitting even when it seemed like I was the only one who believed in me.

For a while now I’ve been praying God please help me become independent and yesterday my prayers were answered my mom booked a ticket to go to India (she will be gone from 18-31 December) I know what you’re probably thinking what does her mother going to India have to do with her becoming independent well, everything  although I didn’t see it at first when my mom’s around she “helps” me with everything even after I ask her not to like this morning for instance, I was in the bathroom cleaning myself she walked in, told me I was messing up everywhere and proceeded to clean me if she’s not here for a while at least I’ll have a chance to learn to do things by myself.  Has God ever answered your prayers in a way that you didn’t expect?

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