Day 801

You can choose to forgive someone even before they ask for forgiveness  – that’s what I learned today.

It’s  2 : 54 PM on day 801 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to  stretch my hamstrings, brush my teeth, publish my Disability of the Day feature, feed myself an egg sandwich for breakfast,drink juice in a glass by myself, watch TV,    practice sitting up straight to strengthen my core muscles and practice typing with both hands.

Yesterday afternoon my dad and sister were going to the mall and my mom being my mom insisted that I tag along all of a sudden my dad started freaking out asking why don’t you take her in the past his words would have felt like a punch in the stomach but this time I just chalked it up to ignorance and enjoyed my trip to the mall with my mom and sister (my dad came with us but once we entered the mall he went to the pharmacy and we went shopping) one day my dad may apologize for the way he’s treated me but it won’t make any difference to me because I’ve already forgiven him. Do you have it in you to forgive someone before they ask for forgiveness?

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