Day 785

There’s no point in being anxious- that’s what I keep learning 🙂

It’s  2  : 50  PM on day 785 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, stretch my hamstrings,  practice sitting up straight to strengthen my core muscles, feed myself a chicken and mayonnaise sandwich for breakfast, practice sitting some more,  practice typing with both hands and watch TV.

Today I was feeling anxious about not being able to publish posts for the past five days but then I realized it wasn’t really a big deal it’s not like people are on the other side of the screen just waiting to read what I have to say I will publish when I publish in the meanwhile I will keep spilling my guts in my trusty Word document to relieve my emotional constipation. Do you get anxious about things that don’t matter in the bigger scheme of things?

(Note: This post was meant to be published on 6 November 2012 but that wasn’t possible due to technical difficulties)

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