Day 731

Accept everything about yourself – that’s what I learned today 🙂

It’s  3 : 39 PM on day 731 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth,   publish my Disability of the Day feature,  work,   go to the dentist  to fill  my cavity – it wasn’t that bad two injections later I didn’t feel a thing –  work some more,  feed myself bread and baked beans for brunch, watch TV and practice typing with both hands.

Today while the dentist was filling my cavity I could help being startled every time she did something different (people with Cerebral Palsy startle very easily because the part of the brain that causes people to startle is always on) I tried to stop jumping out my skin at every noise but I came to realize that me being easily startled was just one of those embarrassing things that I had to live with. Do you try to suppress things about yourself that may make other people uncomfortable?

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