Day 688

You learn a lot from everything you do– that’s what I learned today  🙂

It’s 2 : 29 PM on day 688 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, feed myself All Bran Flakes for breakfast, drink  Green Tea by myself, work, publish my Disability of the Day feature and work some more.

Today being the second anniversary of this blog I’ve been reflecting a lot on what blogging has taught me. Here’s what I came up with:

  1. Commitment: Doing something, even something you love to do, every day for two years straight requires a decision on your part to do what you need to do come hell or high water a perfect example of this is when we went to India and I wrote every day knowing I would only be able to publish the entries when I got back to South Africa.
  2. Sharing your story and making people feel less alone makes you feel less alone: Every time I read a comment like thank you for this post I go through the same thing glad to know I’m not alone I feel less alone.
  3. Whatever you feel is okay: Before I started blogging if I was sad, mad or lonely I would suppress it but after two years of writing down everything I feel I realize that whatever I feel is okay.
  4. Open your heart: Two years ago I would go into every social situation thinking people are going to pity me so why should I even bother but now thanks to the kind words of people all over the world I expect to be treated like a human being knowing I’ll be fine if I’m not.

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