Day 660

The great thing about being human is that if you don’t like something about yourself you can change it – that’s what I keep learning 🙂

It’s 7: 23 PM on day 660 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, feed myself bread and chicken nuggets  for breakfast, drink  Green Tea by myself,  prepare and  publish my Disability of the Day feature,  work, continue reading Mr. Bishop and the Actress by Janet Mullany – I started reading it last night – drink another cup of Green Tea, work some more   watch TV, feed myself  Stir Fry  for lunch, watch some more TV, feed myself Stir Fry  for dinner and brush my teeth once more.

Today as I was reading Mr. Bishop and the Actress by Janet Mullany it occurred to me that I read the same sort of books, eat the same sort of foods and do the same things every day there’s nothing wrong with that it’s just not the way I want to live so I’m going to try and read different sort of books,  eat different foods and do different things. Do you try to change the things about yourself that you don’t like?

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