Day 644

Don’t complain that people don’t understand make them understand– that’s what I learned today 🙂

It’s 8: 44 PM on day 644 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth,prepare and  publish my Disability of the Day feature, work, feed myself a  boiled  egg for breakfast, drink tea by myself, watch TV,     feed myself sweet potato, tapioca and fish curry for lunch, watch some more TV, feed myself an avocado sandwich  for dinner and brush my teeth once more.

Being on social media I’ve had the pleasure (she says with sarcasm) of reading some mean things that people say about “disabled” people my personal favorite was a tweet I read recently people with #specialneeds shouldn’t be allowed to log in but instead of complaining about it too much I’m going to share with you a couple of  things I wish people knew about me as a “disabled” person:

  1. My physical impairments don’t have any bearing on my  intelligence
  2. I have feelings (when people stare and make rude comments IT HURTS although it doesn’t change the way I feel about myself)
  3. I am trying my  best to be my best in a world that wasn’t designed  for me
  4. I am genuinely happy and grateful to be alive in spite of my challenges
  5. I HATE the fact some people use medical conditions as adjectives to describe other people,   e.g. The Hidden Potential of Autistic Kids

I LOVE hearing from you feel free to leave a comment below.

2 thoughts on “Day 644

  1. Eleni

    You say the world wasn’t designed for you – I get what you mean, but really, you were not designed for this world. The world designed people, not the other way around

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