Day 603

You can always flip situations around to make them work for you– that’s what I keep learning 🙂

It’s 6 : 06 PM on day 603 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to  brush my teeth,   feed myself Oats for breakfast,  publish my Disability of the Day feature,   drink Green Tea  by myself, set up Mister Linky’s Magical Widgets for my I Am Disabled Campaign – now  you can write a blog about my I Am Disabled Campaign and leave the link to your  post on the original post thus increasing traffic  to your blog – exercise my right hand – still  need more practice picking up a knife with my right hand and cutting with it  –   and feed myself tomato and onion with Greek yogurt for lunch.

As you may know I firmly believe that what you do with what happens to you is more important than what actually happens to you and apparently I am not the only one who shares that philosophy Lee Ridley who can’t speak as a result of having Cerebral Palsy considers people laughing at him to be a compliment…. he’s a standup comedian (you know they say if you can’t beat them join them). Take a look at highlights of Lee’s standup comedy debut below:

2 thoughts on “Day 603

  1. nisha360 Post author


    Thanks I look forward to reading your post and I agree with you the video is AWESOME.

    Yours truly,

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