Day 206

Everything you say and do reflects upon you – that’s what I learned today 🙂

It’s 10: 40 PM on day 206 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, feed myself bun and baked beans for brunch, continue reading Engaging The Enemy by Nora Roberts – finished reading A Will and a Way which was one of two books in the same book – it was basically about two people – Michael and Pandora – setting their differences aside to make sure that their late uncle’s fortune didn’t fall into the wrong hands – I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys romance novels – watch TV, feed myself Chapati – an unleavened flatbread – and baked beans for dinner and tweet about my Clean Water For All Campaign for a few hours – no luck.

Today I was watching the first episode of season nine of American Idol and there was this one particular guy – I forgot his name – who rubbed all the judges up the wrong way with his bad attitude and as I watched him interact with the judges like they owed him something I realized that it didn’t matter how much talent you had – which he didn’t – if you weren’t nice to people you wouldn’t get anywhere in  life which explained why I seemed to get along with everybody I met – every time I was with someone I made a point of making him/her feel like the centre of the universe. Is what you say and do an accurate reflection of you?

6 thoughts on “Day 206

  1. thestylegent

    Thank you Nisha for this powerful post. The hardest thing for us to do is align our words with our actions. It’s important that we see ourselves as we truly are and make needed adjustments. Thank you for your wisdom. Blessings.

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