Day 155

Sometimes you’ve got to shut the door on the world and open up to yourself – that’s what I learned today. 

It’s 10: 58 PM on day 155 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, feed myself Batura – deep fried bread –  for breakfast, watched TV, feed myself a chicken polony and lattice   sandwich    for lunch, listened to music – you know how they say the best things come in threes I think they were talking about The Jonas Brothers aside from their good-looks – which is what I’m sure most girls are interested in LOL 🙂 – they can really sing – edit the questionnaire I’m using for my book and send it to my friend in Ireland for her to fill out (if you have no idea what talking about refer to Day 153) –   feed myself rice and curry  for dinner, tweet about my Clean Water For All Campaign for a few hours –  a $21.54 donation was made by my friend @DrJackKing (Jack) just when I was about to go to bed  – I was so grateful – thanks Jack 🙂 – and exercise for 10 minutes.

Today as I sat on the toilet and remembered how my parents had basically ordered me to go to the bathroom because they wanted to call it a night I was so overcome by this feeling of powerlessness that I just cried for the next fifteen minutes even though I knew that everybody in the house could probably hear me after which I wiped my tears away and asked my parents to help me out of there and looking back on it now I realize that the ultimate sign of self-respect is giving yourself permission to feel what you feel in the moment regardless of who is watching or listening. Do you always say no to yourself and yes to the world?

3 thoughts on “Day 155

  1. karlwood

    Hey there,
    I was drawn to your blog by the tags linked to it, and was very inspired by the “my journey towards independence” tag. I recently have been on a little journey myself, and it is great to have someone to diverse with.
    Some people overlook the importance of spending some “you” time, awesome to hear you take time for yourself!
    I have subscribed and hope to keep up to date with you, as your progress in the journey, and hopefully as do i!
    Kind Regards
    Karl Wood

  2. Pingback: Day two of wordpress « karlwood

  3. nisha360 Post author

    Hey Karl
    Thanks for reading and subsribing I would also LOVE it if we kept in touch 🙂 Good luck on your journey.

    Yours truly,

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