Tag Archives: Striving

Day 2408: Grateful Never Satisfied

Grateful but never satisfied – that’s what I am.


It’s 11 : 32  AM on day 2408 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Acts 2:32-33, have breakfast  and learn a new word – Definitions for avarice insatiable greed for riches; inordinate, miserly desire to gain and hoard wealth.


Today I realized that as  grateful as I am for the life I have I will never ever be satisfied I will keep pushing my limits every day that I’m on this planet.

Day 2312: The Key to Life

The key to life is to keep moving and striving regardless of whether you’ve succeeded or failed – that’s what I’ve realized.


It’s 8: 48 AM on day 2312 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray and read Psalm 40:3 (today i’m going to start working on small campaigns for two South African organizations [i’m going to go about it semi-quietly because it will be hard for people outside of South Africa to participate]).


This morning I realized that the key to life is to keep moving and striving regardless of whether you’ve succeeded or failed (if you feel like you’ve succeeded it’s your responsibility to build on that success and if you feel like you’ve failed try, try and try again until you succeed… no matter what just keep moving).

Day 2311: Mornings after my campaigns

Striving to outdo yourself brings with it a lot of pressure but it’s better than not striving all ― that’s what mornings after my campaigns have taught me.


It’s 9: 45 AM on day 2311 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray and read Psalm 100: 1 ( maybe i’m going to take a break today and start working on my 2017 goals tomorrow).


This morning like all the other mornings after a campaign I feel a little lost even though I have big goals for the year a tiny part of me (that I’m trying to surpass) is always afraid that whatever I do next won’t be as big as all the things I did previously although I guess there’s no rule that I have to do outdo myself it’s just what I always strive to do.