Tag Archives: Results

Day 1739: Doing Your Best, Results and God

You just have to do your best and leave the results up to God – that’s what I’ve realized recently.


It’s 12 : 17  PM on day 1739 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, pray,  read Micah 7, publish my Disability of the Day feature,   feed myself French toast for breakfast, learn one new thing – Tarantulas don’t use webs to ensnare prey. Instead they hunt—after pouncing, they inject paralyzing venom into their prey, and then dispatch the victims with their fangs.  –  and promote my Educate Generations campaign – $3 145 raised so far so grateful :)


Recently I’ve realized that you just have to do your best and leave the results up to God it’s been a liberating realization before I used to do things and expect a favourable result whereas now I do things and let the results be whatever they will be.