Tag Archives: Remembering 9/11

Day 729

We must remember the past but not be embittered by it – that’s what I keep learning 🙂

It’s  3 : 38 PM on day 729 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, drink milk  by myself,  publish my Disability of the Day feature, practice typing with both hands, continue reading Summer of Love by Katie Fforde,   work,   feed myself  scrambled eggs, polony and bread for breakfast and watch TV.

Today marks the eleventh anniversary of the 9/11 attacks why is that important to me, you may ask, well because on that fateful day eleven years ago those terrorist stole something from me that I will never get back… my innocence I still remember being told of what happened as if it were yesterday my dad was driving me back home from boarding school for the weekend he asked did you hear what happened I replied no, what happened and he preceded to tell me I just sat in the passenger seat feeling so scared looking back now I realize that it was on that day that I grasped the concept of evil.  Are you embittered by things that have happened in the past?

To all those who were (and continue to be) affected by 9/11: The world remembers.

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