Tag Archives: Quitting

Day 1608: Is it time to call it quits on your relationship?

When people start subtracting from your joy, peace and happiness instead of adding to it it’s time to exit the relationship with maturity – that’s what I realized this morning.


It’s 12 :  10 PM on day 1608 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to  pray, brush my teeth,  chat to my gran on Skype,   read Jeremiah 25, feed myself Uppumavu with chickpea curry and a banana for breakfast, publish my Disability of the Day feature,  learn one new thing – February is the only month that can pass without a single Full Moon –   promote my Educate Generations campaign– $1 770 raised so far so grateful


This morning I was tweeting with someone about something that was going in her life and I tweeted in part If people don’t respect you or make it their priority to contribute positively to ur life they dont deserve to be in it which is true when people start subtracting from your joy, peace and happiness instead of adding to it it’s time to exit the relationship with maturity life’s too short why spend it with people who make you miserable and bring out the worst in you.