If it does you no harm just obey your elders – that’s my message to myself and the world.
It’s 12 : 04 PM on day 1536 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, pray, read Isaiah 23, publish my Disability of the Day feature, promote my Educate Generations campaign–on $900 – stretch my hamstrings, feed myself peanut butter sandwiches for breakfast,hang out with my sister, make sandwiches for sisi’s (our housekeeper’s) neighborhood with my sister’s help and continue promoting my campaign – still on $900 but that’s okay $900 is better than $0 🙂
Today I realized if it does me no harm I should just obey my elders I tend to talk back to my elders when I talk back my intention is not to be disrespectful I just have strong opinions about everything and I want those opinions to be heard which can be misinterpreted as disrespect by some. Do you obey your elders if it does you no harm?