Tag Archives: Mind

Day 2725: The Mind and Pain

Where your focus goes energy flows-that’s what I’ve been reminded of


I’m trying to keep my body parts absolutely still to avoid causing myself undue pain so no more typing for me except to say thank you J Le Grange for your $50 donation to my campaign yesterday.


Today I discovered that when I’m focused on the good being done or the good I have left to do my pain either disappears or is considerably less … the mind is absolutely fascinating.

Day 2724: Mind Over Matter

Mind over matter -that’s my message to the world


I’m going to just take it easy for the next 2-3 weeks until I’m me again I’ll just extend my campaign and also reschedule other things I’m really not myself at the moment I have tried to go on with life but every time I look at my bandaged up right up I remember how abnormal my life is right now.


Today I just decided mind over matter who needs painkiller i’m just going to try and focus on and be grateful for all the parts of my amazing body that don’t hurt