Tag Archives: Metric Dance

Day 2757: Love Is Letting Go

Love is a gradual process of letting go– that’ve what I’ve learned.

It’s 4 : 28 PM on day 2757 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray,   read Matthew 20:18-19 , go shopping with my brother and sister for my brother’s Metric Dance suit – we ended up picking a great gray suit my baby brother looked superhandsome (i admit i’m biased he is my only brother) we also got him a blue tie, brown shoes and a  brown belt – there was a system glitch so we paid half price for the suit nobody was complaining- and go drop my sister off at the airport (she came for Easter because she’s going overseas to her 6th year elective in June) – one day i’ll be the one going places not just the one waving at the departure gate i’m not jealous just saying (leading up to my recent surgery i remember thinking I haven’t been to Paris, London or Rome yet that won’t be one of my regrets when I eventually die)


This afternoon as my sister and I helped our brother shop for his Metric Dance (last high school dance ) suit and teased him mercilessly about how handsome he looked I realized that love is a gradual process of letting go…I still remember the little boy who wouldn’t let go of dad’s leg when it was time for school but that little boy has morphed into a wonderful young man which is taking me a while to get used to but I’ll be fine.