Tag Archives: Make Do

Day 1586: Make Do and my Thoughts on Gen Y

You have to make do with what you have – that’s what I keep realizing.


It’s 12 : 25 PM on day 1586 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to stretch my hamstrings,  brush my teeth, feed myself French toast for breakfast,  pray,  read Jeremiah 3, publish my Disability of the Day feature,  learn one new thing – Penguins ingest a lot of seawater while hunting for fish, but a special gland behind their eyes—the supraorbital gland—filters out the saltwater from their blood stream. Penguins excrete it through their beaks, or by sneezing – and promote my Educate Generations campaign–Catherine Cook who has donated three times before donated $15 yesterday (thank you SO MUCH Catherine you will never know how much your ongoing support means to me 🙂 – which brings my total raised to $1 350 only $1 150 more to raise to reach goal.


This morning something happened that made me think about how much easier it would be for me to make a difference if I could walk I could drive myself anywhere and buy the stuff I needed but that’s not my life currently I’m dependent on my family for transportation and most everything else which is fine I’m making do what makes me angry is seeing my peers who have abilities that I can only dream of squandering their lives.