Tag Archives: Magic

Day 2418: Issy Simpson’s Magic

The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.”
― W.B. Yeats


It’s 12 : 29 PM on day 2418 of my journey towards independence and I managed to , pray, have breakfast, read Psalm 118: 6 and learn a new word – Definitions for drupe
Botany. any fruit, as a peach, cherry, plum, etc., consisting of an outer skin, a usually pulpy and succulent middle layer, and a hard and woody inner shell usually enclosing a single seed.


Recently I watched a magic act by young Issy Simpson it blew my mind so much that I feel compelled to share it. Watch “Issy Simpson is a real life Hermione Granger” below:


Day 1900: Making every day magic

We have the power to fill every day with magic – that’s my message to the world.


It’s  12 : 30 PM on day 1810 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, pray,  read 1 Corinthians 1, publish my Disability of the Day feature, learn one new thing  –6 to 8 months after planting, bulb ceases production of new leaves. Nutrients from the leaves descend to the bulb, which becomes ready for the harvest.– have breakfast, make sandwiches for the kids in our sisi’s (housekeeper’s) neighborhood with sisi’s  help as part of  Virginia’s Sandwich Run (thank you sisi for all your help today) – and do some work.


This morning it occurred to me that we have the power to fill every day with magic by being grateful and expressing love every moment of every day.