Tag Archives: How to Win Friends and Influence People

Day 1677: How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

“If some people are so hungry for a feeling of importance that they actually go insane to get it, imagine what miracle you and I can achieve by giving people honest appreciation this side of insanity.” ― Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People


It’s 12 : 06 PM on day 1677 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, pray,    read Ezekiel 36,   publish my Disability of the Day feature, learn one new thing – The metal band that joins the eraser to a pencil is a called a “ferrule.” It is also the same name of the metal band at the end of a cane.  –   feed myself a peanut butter and banana  sandwich for breakfast and  promote my Educate Generations campaign–$2 700 raised so far :) .


Yesterday I finished reading  How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie it’s a great book with an apt title it really does teach one how to win friends and influence people I would honestly recommend this book to everybody on the face of the planet it’s that great.