Tag Archives: Goalcast

Day 2921: Claire Wineland Dies at 21 and Leaves Beautiful Message

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[Photo credit: Claire’s Place Foundation]


“Death is inevitable, living a life you are proud of is something you can control” – Claire Wineland


It’s 11 : 46 AM on day 2921 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, spent time outside,  read a Bible verse and do some work


A few days ago I found out that Motivational Speaker and YouTuber Claire Wineland died after undergoing a lung transplant (she needed a lung transplant because she had Cystic Fibrosis)  I am so sad but the essence of Claire’s story is not that she died but rather that she lived fully in the face of impending death – a lesson to us all: Don’t wait for things to be perfect to be happy be happy right now. My deepest condolences to Claire’s entire family.

Watch “Claire Wineland Dies at 21 and Leaves Beautiful Message” below: