Tag Archives: Books

Day 1441: Life Without Limits by Nick Vujicic

“I have the choice to be angry at God for what I don’t have, or be thankful for what I do have” ― Nick Vujicic, Life Without Limits


It’s 11 : 40 AM on day 1441 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, pray, read Psalm 129, feed myself Puttu – a breakfast dish of steamed cylinders of ground rice layered with coconut – and a banana for breakfast,  publish my Disability of the Day feature,  publish my Kid of the Week feature and enjoy a foot massage – my doctor instructed to have foot massage regularly to improve circulation and help my wounds heal. 


Yesterday I finished reading Life Without Limits by Nick Vujicic it’s a wonderful book about turning potential stumbling blocks into stepping stones I could relate to Nick because I, like him, decided to flip my “disability” and make it work for me.

Day 1436: The First Phone Call from Heaven by Mitch Albom

“Fear is how you lose your life…a little bit at a time…What we give to fear, we take away from…faith.” ― Mitch Albom, The First Phone Call from Heaven


It’s 1  : 20  PM on day 1436 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth,pray, finish reading The First Phone Call from Heaven by Mitch Albom, read Psalm 124,    stretch my hamstrings,  practice sitting up straight to strengthen my core muscles, publish my Disability of the Day feature,   feed myself All Bran Flakes with banana  for breakfast and listen to music – I LOVE “Superheroes” by The Script I can’t be sure but I think the music video was shot  in a South African township I was so moved that one of the most famous bands in the world would bring their music to people who might not otherwise have a chance to hear it.


This morning I finished reading The First Phone Call from Heaven by Mitch Albom – a novel about the chaos that ensues after residents of Coldwater, Michigan report receiving phone calls from heaven – I loved the messages in the book about love, fear and faith but the story that tied all those messages together wasn’t that amazing.

Day 1433: The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference by Malcolm Gladwell

“That is the paradox of the epidemic: that in order to create one contagious movement, you often have to create many small movements first.” ― Malcolm Gladwell, The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference


It’s 12  : 28  PM on day 1433 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, pray, read Psalm 121, feed myself Puttu – a breakfast dish of steamed cylinders of ground rice layered with coconut – and a banana for breakfast,finish reading The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference by Malcolm Gladwell – edit my brother’s anti-smoking poster – it’s amazing how much work kids have to do these days they must be under so much pressure to perform – and listen to music – I LOVE “Flashlight” and “Can’t Say You Love Too Much”  by Hunter Hayes.


This morning I finally finished reading The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference by Malcolm Gladwell this book teaches us what epidemics are, what causes an epidemic to become an epidemic and how we can create our own epidemics I found this book fascinating I have a feeling reading this book will help me with my future philanthropic campaigns.

Day 1354: Love in the real world

Love in the real world is compromise, sacrifice and hard work – that’s what I want the world to know.


It’s 12  : 11 PM on day 1354 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to pray, brush my teeth, read Psalm 41,  publish my Disability of the Day feature, feed myself  bran flakes  for breakfast, promote my Eradicate AIDS campaign – still on $802.85-  practice sitting up straight to strengthen my core muscles, stretch my hamstrings and continue promoting my campaign – this is really starting to get humiliating and believe me when I say I’m not humiliated easily I’ve asked every employed person I can think of to take a look at my campaign and they either say they can’t help or they ignore me completely (God I know your busy with more important things but when you have a moment I would appreciate it if you could bring into my life people who will help me help you make this world a better place. Please and thank you in advance).


Two nights ago after watching too many clips from the Hallmark Channel on YouTube I realized contrary to what you see you see in movies and read in books love is compromise, sacrifice and hard work. Have you come to realize that love in the real world is compromise, sacrifice and hard work?

Day 1352: The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

“I opened my mouth, almost said something. Almost. The rest of my life might have turned out differently if I had. But I didn’t.” ― Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner


It’s 12  : 25 PM on day 1352 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to pray, brush my teeth, read Psalm 39,  publish my Disability of the Day feature, promote my Eradicate AIDS campaign –  on $802.85 –  feed myself  boiled egg with bread  for breakfast, practice sitting up straight to strengthen my core muscles, stretch my hamstrings, spend time outside and continue promoting my campaign – still on $802.85 but I’m worried I know that God is working behind the scenes to make sure that the Eradicate AIDS goal is reached. 


Yesterday afternoon I finished reading The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini the book is about the friendship between Amir and Hassan that was torn apart by a heinous crime and Amir’s quest for redemption I think the book was so well received because we’ve all been Amir at one point in our lives sometimes we have opportunities to stand up for people and we choose to walk away.

Day 1337: Divergent by Veronica Roth

“Every book you pick up has its own lesson or lessons, and quite often the bad books have more to teach than the good ones.” – Stephen King


It’s 12  : 30 PM on day 1337 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, pray,  read Psalm 24,   publish my Disability of the Day feature,   promote my Eradicate AIDS campaign –no luck –  feed myself bran flakes for breakfast and promote my campaign some more – still no luck. 


On Saturday afternoon I finally finished reading Divergent by Veronica Roth the book is set in an alternate world where people are grouped according to what kind of people they are and the book begins with Beatrice taking a test and finding out that she’s divergent meaning she didn’t really fit into any faction eventually Beatrice decides she wants to be a member of Dauntless, a faction that values bravery above all else, but as time goes on Beatrice realizes that she doesn’t have to be defined by the labels other people put on her that she can in fact define herself which is something I think all of us come to realize as we go through life.

Day 1262: 2014 Reading List

“Books are the plane, and the train, and the road. They are the destination, and the journey. They are home.” ― Anna QuindlenHow Reading Changed My Life


It’s 1  : 41 PM on day 1262 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to pray,  brush my teeth, feed myself All Bran Flakes for breakfast,   read Esther 6,  publish my Disability of the Day feature, practice sitting up straight to strengthen my core muscles and  promote my Eradicate AIDS campaign – nobody donated so far today but Justina made a $10 donation yesterday   (thanks again Justina  :) ) which brings my total raised to $375.81 only need to raise $624.19 more to reach goal.


Today I came up with a list of books I want to read this year in the hopes that listing them and putting it out there will force me to read them all. Take a look at my 2014 Reading List below:


2014 Reading List








Day 1229: To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee

“There is no friend as loyal as a book.” ― Ernest Hemingway


It’s 12  : 28 PM on day 1229 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to  pray,  brush my teeth,  read 2 Chronicles 32,  publish my Disability of the Day feature, feed myself egg with bread for breakfast,   promote my Eradicate AIDS campaign – no donations so far today either but a lot of people have promised to donate in Feb. I finally figured out why some people don’t want to be associated with AIDS it’s got nothing to do with the disease and everything to do with the way the disease is transmitted think about it nobody has a problem with somebody who has diabetes but some people do have a problem with people who have HIV/AIDS why because people who have HIV/AIDS are seen by society as either promiscuous or drug addicted   – practice sitting up straight to strengthen my core muscles and stretch my hamstrings. 


Yesterday afternoon I finally finished reading To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee the book is about a lawyer named Atticus Finch who is called upon to defend an African American man who is accused of raping a young white woman but it’s about so much more than that it’s about doing the right thing even when you know things won’t go your way, it’s about injustice, it’s about how we slowly lose our innocence as we grow… this book reflects life as it is not life as we wish it was and aside from the fact that it was a tad bit slow I really enjoyed it.

Day 1174: Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking

A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading. –William Styron


It’s 12  : 23 PM on day 1174 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to  pray,  brush my teeth, finish reading  Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking  by Malcolm Gladwell,   read 1 Chronicles 7, publish my Disability of the Day feature,  feed myself  boiled egg and All Bran Flakes for breakfast and hang out with my sister.


This morning I finished reading  Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking by Malcolm Gladwell at the beginning of the book Malcolm Gladwell says that contrary to popular belief you don’t need a lot of time or information to judge a person or a situation correctly and by the end of the book you can’t help but believe him I love this book it’s fascinating to know that even when you think you’re not thinking you are actually thinking.

Day 1148: Half the Sky by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn

You empower a man; you empower a man. You empower a woman; you empower a generation – that’s what I learned from Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide.


It’s 12 : 01 PM on day 1148 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to   brush my teeth, feed myself Bran Flakes for breakfast,  read 2 Kings 6,   publish my Disability of the Day feature,   change my clothes, stretch my hamstrings and  practice sitting up straight to strengthen my core muscles.


Last night I finished reading  Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide by Nicholas D. Kristof  and Sheryl WuDunn the book deals with issues of sex trafficking, violence against women and girls and maternal mortality what I love about this book is that they inform us of the problems facing women and invite us to become part of the solution.