Tag Archives: being nice

Day 1641: Wishing people well

Wish people well no matter what – that’s my message to the world.


It’s 12 :  00 PM on day 1641 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth,   pray,  watch the South Africa vs. UAE Cricket  World Cup match, read Ezekiel 1, publish my Disability of the Day feature,  feed myself  egg with bread for breakfast,  learn one new thing – Coffee Is Actually A Fruit! That’s right, coffee beans are actually the pits of berries. The coffee berries, sometimes called coffee cherries, are an edible fruit that have coffee beans inside. They are only called ‘beans’ because of their resemblance to beans
–  promote my  Educate Generations campaign–  $2 310 raised so far SO GRATEFUL –    continue watching the South Africa vs. UAE  Cricket  World Cup match – South Africa won 🙂 – and continue promoting the campaign –  only $190 more to raise to reach goal I’m going to keep the page active till October 3, 2015 even if I reach goal before then the Malala Fund is such a great cause I want to help them out as much as possible  🙂 .


Today I realized it’s important to wish people well no matter what it doesn’t matter how people treat you holding grudges changes who you are so even when you have to cut ties with people take the high road and sincerely wish them well it’s becoming to you.

Day 1245: Rising above and treating people well

How other people treat you is up to them how you treat other people is up to you– that’s what I keep realizing 🙂


It’s 1  : 25 PM on day 1245 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to  pray, brush my teeth,  read Nehemiah 2,  publish my Disability of the Day feature, publish my Kid of the Week feature,  go to church – the preacher’s brother-in-law testified that he survived being held at gunpoint,  heart attacks and falling into a pit all by the grace of God and I believed him his story was pretty awe-inspiring  –  feed myself peanut butter sandwiches for breakfast, promote my Eradicate AIDS campaign – no luck today so far today.


This morning I felt really hurt by somebody and I think to keep from saying things I would later regret I repeated out loud bless those who curse you, bless those who curse you, let God be the judge between you and me let Him avenge all the wrongs you have done to me you can choose to rise above and treat people well even if they treat you badly.When people hurt you do you turn the other cheek or hurt them back?