You attract into your life what you are – that’s what I realized yesterday.
It’s 12 : 01 PM on day 2037 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Revelation 14, have breakfast, listen to The Good Stuff – a radio show that brings us good news stories from around the globe (i loved today’s episode) – learn one new thing – dolphins and other sea-dwelling mammals can obtain water from their food and by producing it internally from the metabolic breakdown of food. Although some marine mammals are known to drink seawater at least on occasion, it is not well established that they routinely do so. – and work on my 25 Smiles Campaign – yesterday Anonymous donated $100 (thanks SO MUCH Anonymous ) which brings the total raised to $5 456 only $794 more to raise by 10 Jan 2017 (SO SO SO GRATEFUL to everyone who has supported this campaign so far
Yesterday I realized you attract into your life what you are so if you seem to be surrounded by negativity look within and examine what kind of person you are.