There are some things that we take for granted that other people will never get to experience – that’s what I keep learning 🙂
It’s 7: 45 PM on day 669 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to work, prepare and publish my Disability of the Day feature, brush my teeth, feed myself Chapati and chilli chicken for lunch, work some more, watch the movie Friends with Kids at the Hemingways Mall with my sister – it was a movie about two best friends who choose to have a baby without being romantically involved (it was predicable but I loved it) – and brush my teeth once more.
Today just as he movie was about to start I had a flashback to our housekeeper telling me she’s never been to the movies it’s not a big thing of course but I was so surprised because going to the movies is something most people take for granted that’s what I love most about living in South Africa people from different walks of life become a part of your life and make you grateful for the things you would otherwise take for granted. Are you grateful for everything you get to experience?
I LOVE hearing from you feel free to leave a comment below.
Every morning before I start my day I thank God for the things I am grateful for. Did I tell you I am grateful that we have met? 😉 Love.
i believe you have but I don’t mind you telling me more than once 🙂 I’m grateful for you too by the way 🙂