No matter what you do people will criticize you so you might as well follow your heart – that’s what I keep realizing.
It’s 12 : 03 PM on day 1365 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to pray, brush my teeth, read Psalm 52, publish my Disability of the Day feature, promote my Eradicate AIDS campaign – still on on 81% no donations since 29 May – feed myself bran flakes for breakfast, promote my campaign some more – no donations – practice sitting up straight to strengthen my core muscles and continue promoting my campaign – still no donation I know that God is busy and that he will answer my prayers eventually so I’m trying not to worry but it’s hard to do that when there are only 39 days to the close of the campaign.
Yesterday I realized yet again that no matter what I do people will criticize me so I might as well follow my heart people see me raising money to help eradicate AIDS and ask how do you know the money gets to the charity I try to explain to them that the fundraising platform that I use is a business and that it is obligated to pass the money on to the charity but some people are so determined to think that I’m being scammed that they don’t believe what I’m saying it’s fine though at least I’m trying to make a difference which is more than some people can say. Do you follow your heart regardless of what anybody says?
Well done clever girl. You are very special ! Love margie
Thanks Margie 🙂