Day 3000 : To the I’ll-pray-for-you people

The people you unconsciously pity might be living great lives – that’s my message to the world


It’s 1: 49 PM on day 3000 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, send time outside, read a Bible verse and do some work


Today my thoughts turned to the I’ll-pray-for-you people: To the I’ll-pray-for-you people you may be surprised to know that I don’t even pray for me (I mean I do but not for the reasons one might think – I pray to be good, kind and honest even when it’s hard) I mostly pray for other people I pray for children in hospitals, for the elderly in their autumn years, for the babies at Breath of Life to be adopted by families as loving as the Riellys or reunited with capable relatives, for people in Syria and the #WesternSahara, for the health, happiness and success of my family, friends and my Superheroes too…i don’t pray to walk because the fact that I can’t walk is not the centre of my life nor is it the definition of me.

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