Day 2941: 1-8 October Goals

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” – Jim Rohn


It’s 3: 23 PM on day 2941 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse, visit my dentist and do some work


Last Tuesday I set some goals and today I will again be evaluating myself to measure my progress and I’ll be setting some goals for the coming week as well. Take a look:

25th – October 1st   Goals Review

  1. Continue to be kind, honest and generous (give more, do more and be more) [tried]
  2. Be the best Supersidekick to my Superhero Catherine Constantinides [tried]
  3. Spend time outside as often as I can [tried]
  4. Finish reading Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi [not done yet]
  5. Learn 7+ new things [not done]
  6. Write done 7 beautiful moments of the week [not done often]
  7. Try new things [not done]
  8. Use social media to showcase the ability of differently-abled people and teach that Different IS COOL! [Not done]

Highlights of the Week

  • Doing something soul-filling with friends – I don’t want to reveal what it is but it filled my soul I really enjoyed myself
  • Spending time with family
  • Visiting my favourite dentist and finding out I have no cavities – yay me


1-8 October Goals

  1. Continue to be kind, honest and generous (give more, do more and be more)
  2. Be the best Supersidekick to my Superhero Catherine Constantinides
  3. Spend time outside as often as I can and appreciate the little-big things
  4. Finish reading Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
  5. Learn 7+ new things
  6. Write done 7 beautiful moments of the week
  7. Try new things
  8. Use social media to showcase the ability of differently-abled people and teach that Different IS COOL!



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