“For there is no friend like a sister in calm or stormy weather; To cheer one on the tedious way, to fetch one if one goes astray, to lift one if one totters down, to strengthen whilst one stands. “ -Christina Rossetti
It’s 1 : 00 PM on day 2934 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse and do some work
On this day 24 years ago my parents brought into this world a baby girl and my life has been richer ever since so much laughter, light and the occasional tiff or two but through it all through it all there was, is and always will be an undercurrent of love that keeps us together. Happy Birthday Neethu I won the sister lottery the day you were born (I hope you feel the same) thank you for always cheering for me even when you know it’s crazy to do so.