Day 2903: Change and Trust

Change is constant – that’s what I keep realizing


It’s 12 : 35 PM on day 2903 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse, spend time outside and do some work.


Two days ago we had to get a temporary helper while our permanent helper was on sick leave the first day I was so nervous she wouldn’t be able to help me that I literally didn’t drink any water till my parents got back from work but the second mom told me she would only be back at 4 or 5 and since I didn’t want a UTI I decided to drink water like normal and trust that the temp could help me without injuring me and to my shock she helped me and  I didn’t get injured in the process I guess I need to work on trusting people more. In case you’re wondering our permanent helper is now back (yay).

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