Day 2739: The Only People I Will Ever Take Advice From

Only give advice if you’re committed to being there after people take it – that’s my message to the world.


It’s 12 :  37 PM on day 2739 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Psalm 1:1  and promote my 50 New Feet Campaign benefiting MiracleFeet – raised  $12 559 only $6 191 more to raise by June 17, 2018 to help 75 kids with clubfoot (thanks so much to everyone who has helped out so far).


Today I was thinking about all the well-intentioned people who advised me to have the surgery before I had it and I wondered where most of them were now because the only people who remain with me in my recovery are some family and some friends (the first two weeks post-op were positively torturous but what I remember most is my mother who woke up whenever I called to help turn me because I was in so much pain, my sister who called every night (and still calls) to check on my pain levels and tell me to take my pain meds (she’s a 6th year in med school so she knows what she’s talking about), my brother who took it upon himself to cover my eyes while my stitches were being pulled so I wouldn’t freak out, my father who was so careful while carrying me because he didn’t want to cause me further pain, the Kumars who came by to show their moral support a few days before my surgery (thank you Kiran I love you too  I know the impromptu visit was probably your idea) and my Superhero Catherine Constantinides who called before the surgery, checked on me during the surgery and continues to check on me to this day) from now onwards I will only take advice from people who I know will be there for me after I do.

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